Sunday, March 22, 2009

**************The Start of a Calendar*****************

So, my hobby is card making and scrap booking.  However, I thought I could put a calendar together.  The pictures are in reverse order and I am only half way there.  I love doing this sort of stuff!  The lightening was horrible!  They look a lot better in person, especially MAY.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

...........................I'm SiCk!!!................................

So, it is like 425 AM and I can't sleep because every 5 minutes I am using ocean spray to open my nose.  My sore throat is gone!!!  However, my voice has gone through "the change".  When I cough, I sound like a dog barking.  What fun it is ;-)

On Thursday I have the delima on going to work.  I could be like my other co-workers and go to work all sniffly and sick sounding.  Spreading my germs to those whom haven't had the wonderful opportunity of experiencing it sounds wonderful ;-)  Wearing a mask in a patients room really gives them comfort.........  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

***************LoOkInG At ThE OlD********************

So All of these photos are a few from the life of my brother and I. Hopefully he won't mind me posting them.  We were such cute kids. For some reason I got this idea to share them.  The group photo below is of my Grandparents (Aboott) and their kids and one granchild Michael. Drew is in the yarn costume in which he wasn't too fond of. His volcano was awesome.  I remember helping to build it.  As you can see, I played Softball in High school. 
Drew, my brother, is sleeping and pouting in this section.  He liked to do that from what I remember. If you can tell the photo bellow me and my Grandpa in bed, I have a perm.  I used to get them all the time when I was little.  It burned, but I thought it was great!  Now that I have naturally curly hair I want to straighten it, go figure.
This is of my Middle School Graduation at Emge.  I remember being terrified of going to High school and it turns out, I hated every minute of it. Hence a reason for graduating early.  We all cried because a part of us ended.
                      These are just more pics of Drew and I.
This is my all time favorite picture of me when I was a little girl.  I was always a ham for the camera.  Just watch the home movies.  I sang, danced and told people how to video tape me.  Yet, I became a nurse!

Monday, March 9, 2009

***************** ThE MiNd*******************

What is it about the mind?  
You can think so much about getting sick, being tired or thinking you are dying and your mind allows your body to feel as if that is what is happening to you.  
I have always wondered why that is.  
The brain is a wonderful organ and an important one at that, but it can play evil games sometimes!  
Has anyone ever felt this way?  
It drives me nuts sometimes.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

MoMmY 5 MoRe MiNuTeS PlEaSe!

So as you can see Harley and Davidson hate to wake up or get out of bed. These pictures are priceless!

This one is my favorite!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My hobby.

I thought I would share my hobby with you.  I have so much fun scrap booking and making cards. I never knew I had such an imagination and creativity until I started a couple years ago. My supplies have grown by leaps and bounds which allows me to be more creative and thanks to my husband for allowing me to do so as well!  I get all of my stamps from Stampin up.  I can't wait to scrap a baby book!  If anyone is interested in cards or making them a scrapbook, just let me know! Or if you want to buy products.  It's so much fun.  Here are a couple I did today.
The bees are my newest stamp set and they are my favorite thus far!!!