Sunday, February 1, 2009

Used to be a wonderful time of the YEAR!

So, I got put on call from work and was too excited to go back to sleep because I knew Russell brought turbo tax home the night before.  Tax season is one of my most favorite times of the year, before today.  I have always got a return and for the past two years it has been quite substantial.  Hence, why I love tax season.  However, as I am doing my taxes it continues to say I owe.  I keep thinking that this can't be right!!!  I triple checked everything.  I continued with the deductions and it gradually went from red (amt. owed) to green (amt. refunded).  I'm sure everyone would be excited to have a refund, but it was hardly anything in which I will receive as my return.  Most of my deductions don't count as deductions because it has to be more than 7.5% of your Gross Income.  If anyone knows us we always have an extremely high amount of medical bills and paid interest in school loans.  This year we spent thousands in medical bills and we were only off by 700 for it to count as a deduction.  Hmm.... the government that we have???  I can't believe how much we couldn't deduct this year.

Here is my unrealistic solution to make it a wonderful time of year:  
1.  Either Russell or I have to quit our jobs because we make too much in the government's eyes.
2. Since there is no profit in paying medical bills or loan payments, just don't pay them. (Just kidding)
3. We can have kids
4. We can adopt a village of kids. 
Any other suggestions are welcomed!!!!

When I finished it wouldn't even let me turn it in.  Frankly, I don't care because it really isn't going to help us.

Then, when I got on here to publish a post it won't let me change my background.  Bummed morning! 

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

I'm sorry you aren't getting your usual return. That must be so frustrating for you guys. That is so stupid that you had to pay so much in medical bills but they don't count because it was just a little bit under their stupid percentage. Want I should take care of 'em? :) I like your background. It's pretty and it reminds me of spring.