Saturday, November 29, 2008

Alert: Going out of business

We went shopping today and noticed that all of the furniture stores were going out of business. Who will supply the furniture for Prescott Valley and Prescott?  Also, I was wondering what job they would get after going bankrupt?  Well, come to find out they get whatever they can get.  We spotted one of the previous owners of Joshua Creek Furniture working at the food stand at Sam's Club. We started talking and She said that she was going to try to get a management spot over the food stand, so she could make more money.  Her son-in-law has a job working nights there too. Her husband got a job at the mattress giant down the road.  Their store was a family business and now they are split apart.  Hmmm....  such a change.  It really makes me grateful for my education and a job that is always in demand!  To those that have lost there jobs, my heart goes out to you.  

This is Davidson at 7 months. SO CUTE! Sometimes we think our dogs can run us into the poorhouse ;-)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is my first post, so be gentle!  
     Thanksgiving was sort of non-traditional this year for us.  We were both supposed to be working, but I got called off.  I got out of bed at 10AM and thought that since I got called off, I should jump into the spirit of the day and start cooking.  In order to do that I would have to go to the grocery store. 
("A grocery store on a holiday, bad idea".) However, Russell thought if I wanted to cook, that I should have got up at 6am because that was what his Mom did.  Also, I guess you have to thaw the turkey overnight.  I did not have enough time for that.  Since I didn't meet these specific qualifications, we went to the Cracker Barrel instead.  The food was great and the price was cheap!  I came to find out that there were not a lot of people that cook on Thanksgiving or that have family to spend it with.  In the small town of Prescott Valley there had already been 1000 people served by 1pm at the Cracker Barrel when we left.  Not too surprising was the average age of the population in the Cracker Barrel, which was probably 60-70 years old.  That is my estimation.  It was kind of sad :-(  Russell and I had a great time.  We took home a piece of pumpkin crumb pie.
    That night there was a massive thunderstorm.  The lightning woke me up with the cracking of the sky.  The dogs were in their creates crying.  I asked Russell what he wanted to do about the dogs and we opted to let them sleep with us so that they weren't scared. As soon as they got in bed, they were quiet and drifted to sleep.  However, it wasn't so easy for Russell and I.  We still had to listen to the thunder and watch the lightning.  These dogs are like our children and seem a little bit too much like them at times.